Hire a remote

Amazon Listing Specialist

that costs less

Hire skilled remote Amazon Listing Specialists at a fraction of the cost. Find and onboard top-tier Amazon Listing Specialists in just 4 weeks or less.

Our candidates are experienced professionals with excellent English skills and a strong background in optimizing Amazon listings. Here is a list of the hard and soft skills that an Amazon Listing Specialist should possess:

Hard Skills

Amazon SEO

Amazon Listing Specialists should be proficient in optimizing product listings to improve search visibility and increase sales on the Amazon platform.

Keyword Research

Amazon Listing Specialists should possess strong skills in conducting keyword research to identify relevant and high-converting keywords for product listings.

Competitor Analysis

Amazon Listing Specialists should have the ability to analyze competitor listings and identify strategies to outperform competition.

Product Descriptions

Amazon Listing Specialists should be skilled in creating compelling and persuasive product descriptions that effectively communicate product features and benefits.

Data Analysis

Amazon Listing Specialists should be able to analyze data, such as sales metrics and customer feedback, to identify opportunities for listing optimization.

Soft Skills

Attention to Detail

Amazon Listing Specialists should have a keen eye for detail to ensure accurate and error-free product listings.


Amazon Listing Specialists should be effective communicators, able to convey product information and unique selling points clearly to potential customers.


Amazon Listing Specialists should possess creativity in crafting unique and compelling product listings that stand out from the competition.


Amazon Listing Specialists should be able to collaborate with cross-functional teams, such as marketing and product development, to ensure cohesive brand messaging.

Time Management

Amazon Listing Specialists should be able to prioritize tasks and manage multiple listings to meet deadlines.

Sample a few of our 5k pre-vetted candidates

Amazon Listing Specialist
★★ Middle
Amazon SEO
Keyword Research
Competitor Analysis
Product Descriptions
Monthly Salary
Amazon Listing Specialist
★★ Middle
Amazon SEO
Keyword Research
Competitor Analysis
Product Descriptions
Content Marketing
E-commerce Best Practices
Monthly Salary
Amazon Listing Specialist
★★★ Senior
Amazon SEO
Amazon Associates
Keyword Research
Content Marketing
Competitor Analysis
Product Descriptions
A/B Testing
E-commerce Best Practices
Monthly Salary

How It Works?

Only pay if you hire someone.
Goals / Challenges
Hiring needs
Internal processes
Job Description
Test / Assessments
Reference calls
Offer letter
Option 1 - Direct hire
Option 2 - RT hires contractors on your behalf


Ready to get started?

If you want to dive into the details just Book a Free Consultation with our staff and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.