Hire a remote

Content Marketing Manager

that costs less

Are you looking for a skilled and experienced Content Marketing Manager to create and distribute valuable, relevant, and engaging content for your online audience? Hire, onboard, pay and retain pre-vetted remote Content Marketing Managers in 4 weeks or less.

Our candidates are creative marketing professionals with excellent writing skills and impressive work experience. Here is a list of the hard and soft skills that a mid/senior level Content Marketing Managers should possess:

Hard Skills

Content Strategy

Our Content Marketing Managers are proficient at developing and executing content strategies that align with your business goals and audience needs. They use research and data to identify content gaps and opportunities, and create content plans that cover topics, formats, channels, and metrics.

Content Creation

With strong writing skills, our Content Marketing Managers produce high-quality content that educates, entertains, and engages your audience. They have experience in writing various types of content, such as blog posts, eBooks, white papers, case studies, newsletters, and more.

Content Distribution

Our professionals are familiar with various distribution channels and platforms, such as social media, email marketing, SEO, and paid advertising. They have hands-on experience in managing and optimizing content distribution to reach and attract your target audience.

Content Optimization

Our Content Marketing Managers have expertise in optimizing content for maximum performance and impact. They leverage their knowledge of SEO best practices, keyword research, content analysis, and user feedback to improve content quality, relevance, and ranking.

Content Management

Effective content management is essential for a Content Marketing Manager. Our candidates have the skills to use various content management systems (CMS) and tools, such as WordPress, HubSpot, Google Analytics, and more. They can organize, update, and maintain content across different platforms.

Soft Skills


They have a flair for creating original and compelling content that resonates with your audience. They can generate fresh and innovative ideas for content topics, formats, and styles.


Effective communication is key in collaborative environments. Our Content Marketing Managers are skilled communicators who can convey complex ideas clearly to team members, clients, and stakeholders.


They thrive in team settings and collaborate effectively with designers, copywriters, and other marketing professionals to create impactful and cohesive campaigns.

Time Management

Our Content Marketing Managers excel at managing multiple projects simultaneously and prioritizing tasks to meet deadlines without compromising quality.

Critical Thinking

With strong critical thinking skills, they can evaluate information sources, identify biases, and draw logical conclusions to support their content decisions.

Sample a few of our 5k pre-vetted candidates

Content Marketing Manager
★★★ Senior
7+ years of experience
Content Marketing
Content Creation
Technical SEO
Analytics and Reporting
Monthly Salary
Content Marketing Manager
★★ Middle
5+ years of experience
Content Marketing
Content Creation
SEO Auditing
Technical SEO
Project Planning
Project Management
Monthly Salary
Content Marketing Manager
★★ Middle
2+ years of experience
Content Creation
Content Marketing
Analytics and Reporting
Monthly Salary

How It Works?

Only pay if you hire someone.
Goals / Challenges
Hiring needs
Internal processes
Job Description
Test / Assessments
Reference calls
Offer letter
Option 1 - Direct hire
Option 2 - RT hires contractors on your behalf


Ready to get started?

If you want to dive into the details just Book a Free Consultation with our staff and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.